Audition form

(for western Europe)

Continental Ministries Europe

c/o Continental Art Centre
Postbox 81065
3009 GB Rotterdam
Tel. +31-10-4212592 or +31-6-51384805 (office hours)

Please fill out and at the bottom click on send. You will receive via email all info how to do audition.

Your christian names(call names):

Your family name:

Street and number:

Postal code and city:


Home phone:

Your mobile:

Your email:

Your age:

Your birth date (day-month-year):

 Male    Female


You want to do audition for:
 Kids (8-12 years)
 Young Continentals (12-16 years)
 Continentals(16-35 years)
 Continental Encores/target teams(21-60 years)

Time of the year you want to tour:

I want to do audition for:
 Technical sound
 Technical light
 Assistent director