Latest news
Continentals Netherlands
Continentals Netherlands are starting up. Auditions for Continentals and Young Continentals are starting.
More on Concerts are planned for later in 2025.
On June 8 2024: A great musicial theatre with 4 actrices and music of The Continentals: the 4 women of David. Performed in the Basiliek theatre in Veenendaal, central in the Netherlands, A great story written by Leen La Rivière (the founding father of Continental Europe). This was a great success. The Continentals in the Neterlands see this as a new start for their ministry in the Benelux. Director is: Bettilde Keij-Oldenhuis, this Continntal group counts 30 persons.
Romanian Continentals bring on the road this year 14 groups: Continentals, Young Continentals and Continental Kids. One tour is even going to the USA.
Here were on the road a Young Continental tour, a theatre tour and The Continentals.
Concerts are planned for this autumn and Christmas
Continententals Hungary: In the summer of 2023, two Continental groups set out to share God's message to different parts of the country. Young Continental gave concerts in 7 municipalities in July, while Continental Singers served in 12 municipalities in August. The concerts with a frenzied atmosphere ended with great success, this year, compared to the previous ones, a larger number of audiences were interested in our performances. The adult group toured with a band, which the country had been waiting for. Several people from the audience testified about their conversion, lives were changed by the power of the lyrics.
In autumn, the Continental Band will minister again, in September they will immediately give three large-scale concerts in Budapest at a Preaise festival, and the enthusiastic members will serve on two evangelistic occasions in Miskolc later.
The Slovak Continentals had a great summer. Now we are preparing for the autumn concerts
24.9.2023 o 6.PM SENEC, Evanjicky kostol
21.10.2023 o 6.PM NOVE MESTO nad VAHOM, Kresťanské centrum
17. 18. 19. 11.2023 processing 3concerts
2.12.2023 5.PM GALANTA
In addition to the concerts, our plans include the preparation of the CMS 25th anniversary celebration, on which we want to present a new selection CD with 3-4 new songs
Great tours for Romanian Continentals this summer. 46 kids in June-July with 24 concerts, 37 teens with 24 concerts in August, and big festivals in Romania and Moldavia, it is a great activity.
In september, we prepare two live tours in Romania and Austria, another 55 young people ready to sing for the Lord.
Thanks for your prayers!
New Continental Singers CD:
You can order now, so you support the ministry.
We have worked 2 years for the release of this album, delay by corona. This album is a new total concept album about Jesus being THE VICTOR, being the foundation of our faith and salvation.
Almost all the songs have been composed by Stein Jonassen, a Norwegian composer, who wrote for the Continentals before (see the album Standing on the Rock). The last song of the album is Jesus Victorious, composed by the well known dutch composer Kees Kraayenoord. This album is ranging from hymn to pop-rock and has 14 NEW and very touching songs:
1.The Light. 2. All for the Kingdom. 3. Just like this. 4. Everything in you. 5. Forgiven 6. Hymn. 7. Who I am in your eyes. 8. This love of yours. 9. I just need more. 10. Amazing grace. 11. Jesus my Jesus. 12. Vitae Dios. 13. You know me by your name. 14. Jesus Victorious.
This album (Euro 15) can now be ordered via our own webshop WWW.CONTINENTALWEBSHOP.EU (button Continental). With your order you support ministry of the Continentals, again on tour in central and eastern Europe this summer.
Thanks for your support
Leen en Ria La Rivière, founders van The Continentals
Masterclass Cultural Leadership
In this corona time, no tours or concert can happen. What is available: a Masterclass Cultural Leadership. This special course is offered by Leen La Rivière, European founder of Continental Ministries. More info and how to register on
November 24, 2020New CD of The CONTINENTALS
Standing on The Rock
A pop-rock album as performed over the years, 19 songs.
50 Years Music Ministry
Box, 6 CD's. Limited edition, unique jubilee production, 120 songs.
International Masterclass Cultural Leadership
At the moment the most important activity is the International Masterclass Cultural Leadership by chairman Leen La Rivière. An online course starting each year at september 1 and at january 1, the course duration is 24 weeks, workload one evening per week, you can apply via
All summertours of every Continental tour in Europe of this year 2020 has been cancelled due to the corona crises. No tours in western Europe, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania… We hope and pray new tours will be possible in 2021, we keep you informed.
March 9, 2020New CD of The CONTINENTALS
The Glory of Easter
Early March a NEW CD was released: A special theme production: about EASTER.
In 19 songs the major moments from good Friday till the days after the resurrection are recorded in very well know songs of The Continentals.
This CD will cost 10 Euro. Producer: Leen La Rivière/Continental Sound. Distribution: Ecovata. There is as well a SONGBOOK with the mentioned songs.
Continental Ministries Europe; 0031 6 51384805
The titels on this CD:
- Tell me the story of Jesus
- This little child
- Thy word/Shine
- Light Finale
- He’s the word
- Let us break bread together
- Testify to love
- I was born for this
- God and God alone
- Mighty fortress
- Communion song
- The victor
- Resurrection power
- He’s alive
- The traveller
- See the hands
- Hope of the world
- Glory
- Grace be with you
The summer concerts of the Continentals
Continentals in The Netherlands
In 1969/1970 Leen La Rivière started withThe Continentals….
That is the reason for a jubilee tour: 50 years of ministry
On 22, 29 and 30 June 2019:
‘A Tribute to The Continentals, back to the 80's......
22 juni: Veenendaal – de Basiliek 20.00
29 juni Zwolle-Verrijzeniskerk 20.00
30 juni Cappelle ad IJssel- Insala Theater 14.30 Tickets cost €17,- incl. € 2,- reservationcosts.
You can reserve via or
We hope to see you on one of these concerts!
The summer tours of the ROMANIAN CONTINENTALS
1. Conti Kids Romania-North 28 June - 7 July
2. Conti Kids Romania-Center 28 June - 7 July
3. Continental 17+, Moldavia 24 July - 4 August
4. Continental 17+, USA, 20 August - 15 September
5. Young Conti, Romania North-Est , 26 August - 8 September
6. Young Conti, Romania Vest, 26 August - 8 September
Concert details can be found on the web-site
If you go on holiday to Romania or Moldavia you are most welcome to visit
Mocht je dus op vakantie gaan naar Roemenië of Moldavië, dan ben je van harte welkom.
The summer concerts of the YOUNG CONTINENTALS HUNGARY
20 juli Miskolc
21 juli Gávavencsellő
22 juli Abaújvár
23 juli Tiszabecs
24 juli Nyírbátor
25 juli Komarno/Slovakia
26 juli Kiskőrös
27 juli Cegléd
28 juli Kecskemét
29 juli Súr
30 juli Szigetszentmiklós
31 juli Sajókeresztúr
The summer concerts of CONTINENTALS HUNGARY
12 aug Miskolc
13 aug Sajószentpéter
14 aug Ózd
15 aug Tiszakerecseny
16 aug Békéscsaba
17 aug Kalocsa
18 aug Őrbottyán
19 aug Kecel
20 aug Edelény
21 aug Szirmabesenyő
Concert details can be found on the Website:
Note: most concerts start at 18.00, sometimes at 19.00
In july is the rehearsal camp of the Continental Kids and a concert on 13 July in Bratislawa. Followed by a concert each month. All information can be found on:
Celebration: 50 year the CONTINENTALS
On June 22,29 and 30, 2019 will be a special TRIBUTE TOUR to celebrate 50 years of The Continentals, called: ‘back to the 80-ties’. Ticket sales has just started.
22 June: Veenendaal – de Basiliek
29 June: Zwolle – Verrijzeniskerk
30 June: Capelle a/d IJssel – Insala Theatre
All concerts go by ticket reservation, via
Tickets costs € 17,-, including € 2,-.
CONTINENTAL MINISTRIES ROMANIA celebrated 20 years anniversary
On Saturday March 3, 2018 Continental Ministries Romania celebrated their 20 years anniversary in a packed theatre in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. A great programm was presented and many Continentals from over the years were present. Leen La Rivière and Marinus den Harder (from the European umbrella organization) were present and presented a special award to executive director Iosif Catuna for the great achievements of Continentals Romania. Special guests were Cam Floria and Jim Schmidt from Continentals USA. Romania tours visit Romanian churches all over Europe and the USA.
CONTINENTALS SLOVAKIA celebrated 20 years anniversary
On november 25, 2017 Continentals Slovakia celebrated their 20 years anniversary in the sold out musical theatre of Bratislawa, Slovakia. Leen and Ria La Rivière (from the European umbrella organization) were present and gave a special award to executive director Iveta Viskupova-Weiss for her incredible leadership over all those years. Performing were: Continental Kids, Young Continentals, the Sloval Continentals and the New Hope Singers.
October 18, 2017A new CD of THE CONTINENTALS: A CAPPELLA
Finally, it has been released. There was some delay as the producer Leen La Rivière was ill. It is a unique production.: a collection of all the A Cappella Songs the Continentals ever did (from the beginning in 1965 till today). And the result is incredible: a great production. Everybody will enjoy listening to it. When you close your eyes, you feel yourself in one of Europe’s great cathedrals, the sunlight come through the stainglass windows. You are there with a lot of people and you listen to these breathtaken compositions. And so it happened in real time in the great cathedrals of Poland in the eighties… The CD has 13 songs:
- Holy, Holy, Holy (original Helig, helig). Text + Music: Ingemar Olsson.
- When I survey. Text: Isaac Watts; Music: Hugh Wilson. Arr.: Cam Floria.
- Agnus Dei. Text + Music: M.W.Smith.
- Grace on grace. Text + Music: Don Francisco. ©Crack O’Noon music/Small Stone Media
- Almighty, most Holy God. Text + Music: Wayne Watson.
- Mighty Spirit. Text + Music: J.Olds.
- O, for a thousand tongues. Text + Music: Bonnie Deuschle.
- Whiter than snow. Text + Music: Nicholson/PD; Arr. Ralph Carmichael.
- A quiet place. Text + Music: Ralph Carmichael.
- What a friend we have in Jesus. Text + Music: Charles Converse. Arr. Cam Floria.
- Deep River. Text + Music: PD; Arr. Kurt Kaiser.
- Wasn’t that wonder. Text + Music: PD; arr.Barker.
- Break Thou the bread of life. Text + Music: Sherwin; arr. Cam Floria.
The most recent song is number one, the oldest song is number 13. With great care were the old recordings digitalised and edited. This all happened in the Groovity Studio in Amersfoort by Wilkin de Vlieger. A SONGBOOK is available of this CD. Price: CD 10 Euro, Songbook 10 Euro. You can order via Continental Sound: (via plus shipping costs. This is a unique masterpiece and a tremendous blessing. Labelnumber: Free 3119.
This year very successful tours of Continentals Romania, Continentals Hungary and the Slovak Continentals.
Preparations have been made to bring out a new CD of the Continentals, an A CAPELLA album in 2017! More news about this project will follow.
As long you have toured before in a continental group in europe
Once again I (Vilar from Brazil Continentals) was invited by CCIS - Celebrate Christmas In Singapore (a christian project) to take part in the 2016 National Christmas Festival, beginning in December 17th till December 26th to be held in one of the most know streets of Asia, Orchard Road.
Cam Floria and Jim Schmidt gave me the permission to create the International Continental Singers to perform in 2016 - the main idea is to have participants from all the Continental Singers around the world.
This International Continental Performing group will have the unique opportunity to minister in Singapore - a popular holiday destination that offers a myriad of attractions and quality experience, receiving multiple awards and accolades over the years as a highly-lauded destination in Asia - for a project called Celebrate Christmas in Singapore (CCIS) - began in 2004 by a handful of Christians who wanted to bring the message of peace and joy of Christmas, a hallmark of the Christian community in Singapore in reaching out and blessing the community with the message of love.
Together we will have the opportunity to celebrate the Gift of Jesus Christ during the first Christmas, through a multimedia celebration of performances, interactive activities, carols, floats, mass choirs, and much more!
- The Continentals International Group will perform on stages in Orchard Road and some churches from December 17th till 23rd.
- On December 24th, we are invited to be the main group on the Grand Finale, a final concert to an audience of more than 5,000 people in one of the biggest asian shopping center called Vivo City.
Here I send some information for Continental members members who would like to take part on it:
- The Continental members will have to cover their own flights to Singapore.
- A fee of sponsorship of US$180 for participation, to be paid to the Brazilian Continentals.
Singapore will be providing:
- transportation airport-hotel-airport
- transportation to concert places
- hotel during stay
- full breakfast at hotel
The songs of the Continental Concert to be performed will be sent to all participants in October (sheet music SATB), together with all information needed (outfits, staging, messages, etc).
It would be great to have people from your country taking part in this great project. I will be in charge of the group in Singapore. It will be a great Continental project and a blessing for all participants to take part in an international program to spread the good news of Christmas for the Asian world.
The members will have all day free for sightseeing and rest. All performances will be at night.
Here you have a clip from youtube about CCIS:
CCIS promo
Feel free to contact me to ask for more information.
I thank you very much for your attention.
God bless you.
J Vilar
Continental Singers Brasil
My whatsapp: 55 31 99217 3228
Silver Dove AWARD
On november 12, the new album ‘Worship the great I AM’ of the Continentals received a Silver Dove AWARD from the christian music industry of The Netherlands in the category best album groups and choirs. The producer of this album was Leen La Rivière. On the picture Leen receives the award from a member of the jury.
CAM FLORIA published a book
Cam Floria the founding father of the Continentals wrote a book: David’s 7 secrets. After launching the David musical all material collected was the basis for this book. How to order: Go to If you click on the picture you can order it.
On August 31 the news was released that the new album of THE CONTINENTALS: Worship the great I AM has been nominated for the silver dove award in the category best album choirs/groups. And the new album of the CONTINENTAL KIDS: Op weg met die grote God is Licht en leven has been nominated in the category best album childrens music. Producer of both CD’s: Leen La Riviere.The awards are given by the christian music and media industry of the Netherlands, more on The winners are celebrated in a mass event on nov.12.
Gerhard + Renate Bachor were 130 years of age

Renate + Gerhard and their family
On august 22 we celebrated that Gerhard + Renate Bachor were 130 years of age. They have been very active since 1974 to put Continentals on the map in Germany (thats a jubilee of 40 years) and from 1980 they helped with promoting the Christian Artists Seminar (and that is 35 years!).Renate + Gerhard and their family
The Slovak Continental Kids

The Slovak Continental Kids have just finished their new CD recording, here a picture from the studio.
Director: Iveta Viskupova.
Anca Ciora (46 years old) died.
It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that the former executive director of Continentals Romania has died of cancer. Funeral on May 19 in Cluj-Napoca.
As she wanted to set up Continentals in Romania, since 1994 she got special training and coaching by Leen La Rivière (office procedures, systems, auditions, trainings, planning, management, promotion, etc). As part of her training she took part in western Continental tours in 1996, 1997, 2001 and 2002, where she worked together with directors like Iveta Viskupova, Harold Schonewille. Thanks to her personal commitment Continentals Romania could start.
Several years she put Romanian Continental tours on the road. These tours travelled all accross Romania and outside of Romania, even in the USA ministering in Romanian speaking churches. After a number of years she became exhausted. Quite well to understand, if you realise how difficult it was to get all work done, when you have no printer, none or a bad computer, no mobile phone, etc etc. Continental Ministries owes her a lot of respect for her courage and perseverance.
As christian she has been an outstanding role model. After she stepped down from leadership and Iosif Catuna became the new Romanian Continental leader, she kept serving in the board of Continental Ministries Romania. We loose a precious pioneer woman of God.
SJOFAR 444-B april 2015
The latest news about the new CD’s and more about a fresh start.
Sjofar 444-B april 2015 (pdf)
Continental Kids: 395 Euro
Young Continentals: 595 Euro
the Continentals: 595 Euro
If you have toured before, you do NOT need to do audition again. Just send a mail to: and mention you want to tour again, mention your name and full address. And you will hear soon about the possibilities.
Als je eerder hebt meegedaan, hoef je niet opnieuw auditie te doen. Mail naar dat je weer mee wilt doen en vergeet niet je volledige naam en adres te vermelden. Je hoort daarna op korte termijn over de mogelijkheden.
Before the end of May will come 3 NEW Cd’s of The Continentals (Worship the great I AM), Young Continentals: A fascinating journey and of Continentals Kids (in dutch): Op weg met die grote God is licht en leven
More news to follow.
NEW START(!): On January 27, 2015 a mailing was done to all (former) Continentals, Young Continentals and Continental Kids in The Netherlands: informing them about the new start in The Netherlands and western Europe. The responses are very promising. On schedule are for the coming summer: 2 Kids groups(dutch speaking), one Young Continental tour and one Continentals tour.
PROGRAMS: There will come 3 new CD’s: Continentals: WORSHIP THE GREAT I AM; Young Continentals: GOD is my wonderful councelor, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Mighty God…. A fascinating journey; Continental Kids: JOY…zingen over die grote God maakt blij (dutch only). Great new songs and programms! Contributions from Pekka Simojoki, Ingemar Olsson, Edgard van den Broecke, Stefano Rigamonti, Paul Field. Recordings in April.
More info to come! (Holland) bankrupt, but Continentals remain to exist
Continental Ministries Europe received a note from the board of (leadership Rob de Jong) that they have filed for bankruptcy. Incoming money dropted so much over the last year that salaries, rent and other costs no longer were able to pay, so debts were piling up. CME regrets this situation very much.
This situation has no effect on the other Continental organizations, their ministries move on. These organizations are: Continental Ministries Europe, Continental Sound, Continentals Slowakia, Continentals Hungary, Continentals Romania.
All rights to use names (The Continentals, Continental Singers, Young Continentals, Continental Kids), logo’s concepts return automaticly to the European owners: CME/Continental Sound.
When the court has decided CME will move forward for a new start with Continentals in Western Europe.
Leen La Rivière, chairman
+31 6 51384805
Dove Awards
Thursday nov.13,2014 we had the national Zilveren Duif Awards (Dove Awards) in the Netherlands. This gala-ceremony-concerts is life on radio and on life-stream TV. These awards are given each year to the best album, best song, best new talent, etc. This happening is organised by the cooperation of radio, TV, publishers, records companies, music organizations, bookshops , copyright organizations, all with a christian identity. Here I had the remarkable experience that suddenly and unexpected I was called to the platform and to me was given the first ever Life Achievement Award of the Netherlands for my lifelong pioneer work in the world of music, arts and culture. I was totally speechless (and that gave big fun in the hall, as nobody has ever seen me totally surprised and searching for some words). The timing is perfect. This november I am 45 years professional in the arts, and before that 5 more years as semi-professional amateur.
Maybe nice to know.
I can write books full of stories about those 45 + 5 years.. Anyway as you know, I have survived and stay active.
Soli Deo Gloria
Leen La Rivière
What happened in the period October 2013 - August 2014
Leen La Rivière visited as chairman Continental Ministries Europe the Continental offices in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and the Netherlands. He spoke at christian artists conferences in Austria and France(Biblical foundations for the arts and culture).
Several new CD’s were made: English versions for Young Continentals/Continentals in the Netherlands plus the Dutch version for Continental Kids. Other CD’s were made in Hungary and Romania
NEW theme
Leen is working on the new theme for 2015, will be ready in appr. 1 month.
TOURS in Europe
With great joy we can look back on several blessed tours out of the Netherlands, Hungary, Romania and a kidsgroup in Slovakia. Results can be found on the websites of those offices. Autumn and springtours are prepared now out of Rotterdam and Romania.
What happened in the period March - October 2013
Leen La Rivière visited the Continental offices of Romania and the Netherlands. He visited too Milano to talk about a restart of Continentals Italy.
Several new CD’s were made: the English versions in the Netherlands, and a Romanian CD See the discography lists.
NEW theme
Leen finished the bible study about the theme 2014: Connection. This very encouraging study can be found on this websites, see theme.
With great joy and great results there were tours in Romania, Hungary and a Kids group in Slovakia; and of course out of Rotterdam for western Europe. Results can be seen on the websites of these Continental offices.
At the moment preparations are happening for autumn and springtours out of Rotterdam and in Romania. Please pray for all these events, that they continue to be a ‘life changing experience’.
February 2013
Announced is the upcoming INTERNATIONAL Directors training. Dates May 9-12, it will be organised in Rotterdam. Cam Floria, founder will come too. Directors will come from Holland, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Brasil, Argentina, Chili. More will come….
January 2013
Leen La Rivière (chairman Europe) visited together with Marinus den Harder (his assistant) Continentals Romania. A new charter/foundation documents were signed after good work of the lawyers. This new statute was needed due to many changes of the laws.
December 2012
Concerttours of the Romanian Continentals and west Europe Continentals were great. More on their websites.
November 2012
After 3 months of hard work in a studio, all the LP’s of the Continental Singers, New Hope, Wings of Light were digitalised, remastered and now available as CD’s! The first LP was made in 1963. Just have a look at that page of this website.
October 2012
The theme for 2013 is ready, so Continentals West Europe in Rotterdam can go ahead with song selection, arrangements and such to prepare the new programs and new CD’s.
October 2012
Continental Romania have a tour this autumn, just have a look at their website (go to webpage Network).
October 2012
Continentals West Europe (Rotterdam) has an autumn tour to France and in December e Christmas tour, just have a look at their website (go to webpage Network).
July 2012
Leen La Rivière has a new book out: THE MESSAGE, the content: what did Jesus Christ say and teach? Great help for personal bible study and group discussions. It has even an introduction of the former prime minister of the Netherlands: Prof. Jan Peter Balkenende. You can order this book.